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Q: How do I schedule my 3rd Party Discount Voucher?

A: Congratulations on getting a great massage at a discounted rate! In order to remain cost effective and to streamline the process, voucher clients are encouraged to book online. I would love to help you through the process, but I am a working therapist and may not be able assist you in a timely fashion. 

  • Choose the correct duration, 60 or 90 minute session (there is no option for the foot scrub).

  • Select a date and time. **If a time or date that you prefer is not an option, then it is most likely occupied by another appointment.

  • Enter your 8 digit voucher number in the "Appointment Notes" field. Bookings  without the code will be cancelled!

Q:Why can't  I schedule my  Warm Stone online?

A: Warm Stone appointments require preperation and must be scheduled according to the scheduling demands of the practitioner.

Q: How important is it for me to confirm my appointment?

A: VERY IMPORTANT! Depending on the information provided for your online profile, you will either receive an email or text message reminder. Unconfirmed sessions will be cancelled.

Q: How can I maximize my massage session?

A: This is easy! Arrive early. Arriving early will allow you to take a deep breath and prepare yourself for relaxation. It takes about five minutes to complete the first time client intake form.



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